【北京文化故事 Voice of Youth】北京小吃(二)
原标题:【北京文化故事 Voice of Youth】北京小吃(二)
What we got here today are two traditional snacks in Beijing, pea cake and Rolling Donkey. It is customary in Beijing to eat pea cake on the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar. Therefore, it is *ailable in spring and is served until late spring. There are two kinds of pea cakes in Beijing: for royal family and for ordinary folk. The palace snack is made from the finest white peas, picked out of the impurities and deflated, washed and stewed, passed through a fine wok, added sugar and cinnamon, cooled and cut into pieces and packed in a beautiful gift box, with a few golden cakes attached to the corners of each piece of pea cakes. The other one is the crude production of the pea cake which street vendors were selling. These two snacks are both called pea cake, but the materials, prices are extremely different.
My topic is one of the famous snacks, Lvdagunr, which is also called Rolling Donkey. It Is one kind of vivid analogy, after the system, places in the soybean su***ce to roll, if the outskirts real interest on interest resembles, therefore acquires fame. Rolling Donkey is one of the famous traditional snacks in Beijing, the finished product is red, white and yellow. It is wrapped in soybean flour, just like the wild donkeys rolling around in the countryside, which raises a burst of yellow soil. As a traditional snack, Rolling Donkey is now *ailable in every snack shop all year round. It is a f*orite snack of Beijing people and a delicacy not to be missed by tourists.
北京语言大学汉语国际教育专业 2020级 本科生
Today I want to introduce a traditional snack in Beijing——Da Lian Huo Shao. It is a fried food with a golden color, a caramelized aroma, and delicious tastes.Until now, Da Lian Huo Shao has a history of almost 200 years, dating back to the GuangXu period of Qing Dynasty.The Yao couple made a different kind of Huo Shao, they cut the pork by hand and chopped it into rice grains, added ginger and green onion, and stirred it with water until it was viscous. Then they used warm water and soft noodles, folded it into long strips, and fried it in oil in a cake pan. It resembles the "pants" on people’s belts in the old times, so it got its name of Da Lian Huo Shao. People in beijing fell in love with this delicious food. Hundreds of years h*e passed,Da Lian Huo Shao is still one of the f*orite foods of people in Beijing.
The Door Nail Meat Pie is a dish with the main ingredients of flour, beef filling and green onion. Its origin is related to Empress Dowager Cixi. One day, the chef of the imperial kitchen made a snack for Cixi. After eating it, Cixi found the taste palatable and asked what kind of food it was. The chef saw the door nail next to it and had the bright idea of naming it door nail meat pie. The door nail meat pie is crispy outside and tender inside, fragrant and moist. The old generation used to say that the door nail meat pie symbolizes good luck, and if you eat it, you will h*e good fortune. Therefore, this traditional snack has been handed down to this day and is loved by people.
12:00 & 16:30(重播)END
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